16Right ADSB Analytics

Transmissions Analysed
8,299.81 GiB
Data Analysed
1,367,640,088 km
Distance Tracked

Time IntervalTransmissions Analysed *Data Analysed
Average Messages Per Second93.6132.945 KiB
Average Messages Per Second - Not Incl. Curfew132.1546.511 KiB
Average Messages Per Minute5,6171976.7 KiB
Average Messages Per Hour336,991115.82 MiB
Average Messages Per Day8,087,7812779.76 MiB
Average Messages Per Year2,954,061,868991.51 GiB


Flights Tracked Statistics **

Number of Passengers Total668,594,658 pax
Average Distance Tracked Per Day321,849 km
Average Distance Tracked Per Year117,555,515 km
Total Distance Tracked1,367,640,088 km
Trips Around the Equator34,127.01x
Return Trips to the Moon1778.93x
Mass of CO2 Produced168,880.6 tonnes
Mass of Methane Produced9,281.6 kg
Mass of Nitrous Oxide Produced7,581.6 kg

Reception Range Statistics

Max RangeMin RangeAverage RangeTotal Area
93.5˚T - 988.2nm31˚T - 195.5nm407.4nm680,107nm²

Station Uptime

11 Years, 7 Months, 19 Days & 1 Hour

Sydney Airport Curfew

Sydney International Airport Experiences a Curfew from 11PM - 06AM. During this period aircraft movements at the Airport are restricted to specific types of aircraft and operations. More Information on the Sydney International Airport Curfew can be Found Here


* We define a 'transmission' to be four ADS-B messages. This is because each individual ADS-B message only contains a few of the flight parameters available in the ADS-B protocol. In order to receive all the flight parameters transmitted from an aircraft via ADS-B, four messages are required to be received.

** These figures are based on extrapolated average figures, and act purely as an indication of the total values.