26,608,929,272 Transmissions Analysed |
8,953.99 GiB Data Analysed |
1,463,196,450 km Distance Tracked |
Time Interval | Transmissions Analysed * | Data Analysed |
Average Messages Per Second | 89.07 | 31.427 KiB |
Average Messages Per Second - Not Incl. Curfew | 125.74 | 44.368 KiB |
Average Messages Per Minute | 5,344 | 1885.6 KiB |
Average Messages Per Hour | 320,643 | 110.49 MiB |
Average Messages Per Day | 7,695,431 | 2651.68 MiB |
Average Messages Per Year | 2,810,756,226 | 945.83 GiB |
Number of Passengers Total | 710,258,362 pax |
Average Distance Tracked Per Day | 326,613 km |
Average Distance Tracked Per Year | 119,295,553 km |
Total Distance Tracked | 1,463,196,450 km |
Trips Around the Equator | 36,511.45x |
Return Trips to the Moon | 1903.22x |
Mass of CO2 Produced | 180,680.2 tonnes |
Mass of Methane Produced | 9,930.1 kg |
Mass of Nitrous Oxide Produced | 8,111.3 kg |
Max Range | Min Range | Average Range | Total Area |
93.5˚T - 988.2nm | 31˚T - 195.5nm | 422.2nm | 680,107nm² |
12 Years, 3 Months, 5 Days & 3 Hours
Sydney International Airport Experiences a Curfew from 11PM - 06AM. During this period aircraft movements at the Airport are restricted to specific types of aircraft and operations. More Information on the Sydney International Airport Curfew can be Found Here
* We define a 'transmission' to be four ADS-B messages. This is because each individual ADS-B message only contains a few of the flight parameters available in the ADS-B protocol. In order to receive all the flight parameters transmitted from an aircraft via ADS-B, four messages are required to be received.
** These figures are based on extrapolated average figures, and act purely as an indication of the total values.